Category Archives: Blog

Information What to do if India Visa expire and been Overstay in India by Immigration Attorney in India Entering India on any visa requires you to leave the Country before expiry of visa granted. To remain in Country beyond the visa condition can result in a legal trouble. Different reason for one’s visit or stay in India may be for education, tourism, employment, internship, business, conference, medication, and transit etc. Whatever the reason be, just like any other country, India too does not tolerate one’s stay in their country after the expiry of visa granted and expects to leave the Country at the end of their visit or stay. Registration with FRRO Every foreigner entering India on a visa that is valid for 180 days or more has to register themselves with the Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO), within 14 days of arrival. Pakistani nationals have to register with the FRRO within…

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A domestic violence attorney can help victims of domestic violence. He or she can also help people who have been falsely accused of domestic violence. Domestic violence attorneys understand how domestic violence can tear families apart. He or she also understands how false allegations of domestic violence can adversely impact people’s lives. If you are a victim or have been falsely accused of domestic violence, you should know that a domestic violence attorney can provide important legal assistance to you. The following is more on the legal assistance a domestic violence attorney can provide you as a victim of domestic violence or someone who has been falsely accused of domestic violence. Acquiring an Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence According to survey, anyone who is a domestic violence victim or believes he or she is in imminent danger of becoming a victim has the right to petition the court for…

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If you or your spouse has decided to end your marriage, you may be looking forward to getting through the divorce process as fast as possible. The divorce process can be stressful, so it is understandable if you want to get through the process as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the truth is that, depending on several things, your divorce process could take months or even years. There are a lot of things that can prolong the divorce process. Aside from a pandemic like the COVID-19, many more issues can lead to delays in the divorce process. Below are some other issues that could delay divorce proceedings: Divorce Is Contested A divorce in India may be uncontested or contested. In the first case, spouses agree on all divorce-related issues. In that instance, matters can move along quickly and divorces can be resolved much more easily. On the other hand, when the…

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For parents who fall victim to domestic violence, the abuse endured takes a toll on their well-being. However, parents who fall victim to domestic violence are not the only ones who are affected by domestic violence. Domestic violence can have negative effects on every member of the family, including children. The effects of domestic violence on children who watch their parents being abused are heart-breaking. Below is a look at how witnessing domestic violence can affect children. How Witnessing Domestic Violence Can Affect Children Emotionally Witnessing domestic violence can lead to children suffering many emotional consequences. Some of the emotional complications a child who has witnessed domestic violence can suffer include; Shame Guilt Intense grief Fear of abandonment Anger Self-blaming tendencies Embarrassment Depression Unfortunately, the emotional consequences of witnessing domestic violence can plague a child for years to come. For example, an anxious child raised in an abusive environment may…

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Domestic violence (not limited to intimate partner and child abuse) is a common problem in India and India as a whole. According to research, domestic violence affects millions of people in India every year. Domestic violence includes a range of abuse, including, but not limited to, sexual, economic, emotional, physical, and psychological.  Often, intimate partner abuse includes sexual and physical violence, stalking, and psychological aggression. As many as one in nine men and one in four women are victims of domestic violence. Considering such numbers, it is not surprising that domestic violence or abuse allegations that come up as part of divorce proceedings are all too common. Often, these allegations are based on facts and evidence. Nevertheless, although most domestic violence allegations arise from serious and dangerous situations, some allegations are fabricated.  Some spouses falsely accuse their spouses of domestic violence during divorce proceedings to get the upper hand or…

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You probably have heard many things about mediation and collaborative divorce. Therefore, if you are about to get a divorce, you might be feeling confused about which option to choose. So, which option between mediation and collaborative divorce is right for you? Simply put, which option is right for you is determined by; the unique circumstances of your case, the availability of good collaborative Lawyers or mediators, and your individual preferences. To determine which option between mediation and collaborative divorce is best suited for you, you should consult a qualified professional. A professional, such as a divorce attorney, can assess your case and advise you accordingly. Mediation Mediation is an alternative to divorce litigation that involves the use of a neutral third party called a mediator. In mediation, a mediator cannot take sides or make any decisions for the involved parties. It is important to note that attorneys for each…

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When it comes to divorce cases, there are several things that parents need to do to ensure they get a favorable outcome. For example,  parents of minor children are required to take parenting courses before they can obtain a court-ordered final divorce judgment. While you might feel like this requirement questions your ability to care for your child, parenting courses actually have important purposes. Generally, a parenting course is intended to help children cope with the effects of divorce, considering parents need to make decisions that are in their children’s best interests. Additionally, no matter how you feel about parenting courses, keep in mind that failure to complete a parenting course can lead to negative consequences. Parenting Courses the parenting course a divorcing parent is required to complete is known as the Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course. When F lawmakers introduced this course, they were mainly thinking about helping;…

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The divorce process is draining, both emotionally and financially. It is even more complicated when a divorcing couple cannot cooperate to end the marriage amicably. Fortunately, as a no-fault divorce state, does not require either spouse to prove the reason behind the divorce. Instead, the law requires only that one spouse prove the marriage is irretrievably broken. Although this seems to suggest the process might be easy, there can be problems. For example, when one spouse refuses to respond to the petition for dissolution of marriage, this non-responsive spouse creates a unique legal situation. Many clients have questions about non-responsive spouses and the ability to divorce in this situation. when one spouse fails to respond to a petition for dissolution of marriage, there is relief in seeking a default final judgment of dissolution of marriage; however, there are several limits, requirements, and/or caveats in a default divorce situation. Divorce by…

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One prominent issue in many divorces is the issue of alimony.  There have been significant changes in the law regarding alimony over the last few years. In addition, with both spouses often entering the workforce, alimony is not as dominant an issue as it once was. Notwithstanding, if you are anticipating a divorce, it is important to understand a bit about alimony as most of the public does not know or understand much about alimony. There are multiple types of alimony, and each type of alimony has a specific set of guidelines and/or restrictions.  These major types of alimony are; Bridge-the-gap Durational Rehabilitative Permanent Guidelines for temporary alimony, which may be characterized as alimony by the Court. Below is a brief explanation of these types of alimony. Please note, alimony is no longer a taxable event to the receiving spouse nor a deductible event for the payer spouse. Bridge-the-Gap Alimony…

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