Divorce and Child Custody


Child Custody & Support Issues in a Divorce Proceeding

In a divorce case, the child custody and visitation rights are one of the key issues that need to be addressed. You may need to make decisions as to how your child will be raised and whether your child will live primarily with you, or joint custody.

There are different child custody options such as Physical Custody, Legal Custody, Sole Custody, Joint or Shared Custody and Joint Custody Arrangements.

No matter what, our expert child custody lawyers puts up a strong defence and fight for the financial aid to the child’s future and get custody of the child keeping the child’s best interests.

Issues concerning child custody and visitation rights can resolve through informal settlement negotiations or out-of-court alternative dispute resolution proceedings like mediation.

Hire Top Child Custody and Visitation Lawyer in Delhi

If the divorcing couple prefers to agree upon the terms of child custody and visitation mutually, our lawyers together with mediators help prepare the agreement and resolve the issues amicably. However, in case if one of the parties is not consenting then we will file a petition and resolve custody issues by the court.

With an experienced family advocate, you can trust our commitment to advocate your rights and get favourable custody and visitation agreement

Child custody is often the most fought, most important issue related to matrimony and divorces proceedings. 

It makes it even more complex because none of the spouses wants to leave the child with the other, considering themselves to be superior to the other in terms of child welfare.

Main power in such cases lies in Guardian and Wards Act 1890. 

Three types of custody are granted by this act:

  • Permanent Custody: Main idea is welfare of the child which favours one spouse over the other.
  • Interim Custody: It is allotted to make sure the progress of child is maintained, while the case is pending before the court.
  • Visitation Custody: This is granted after either interim or permanent custody has been allotted.

We can help you file a custody case by filing the draft in the most professional manner and presenting the correct arguments while you prepare to give your child the life the child deserves.

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